This site has moved to Hugo
Please note, this transition is ongoing. As such, I am aware of some site issues that will be fixed over the coming days. After using Wordpress for a number of years, I have decided to move this site to Hugo, hosting it on S3. This site isn’t highly dynamic, so it didn’t need complex resources or the need to be hosted in EC2. I went on a look for a static website editor and frankly was overwhelmed.
Well, it has certainly been awhile since I posted anything of any real value. I’ve been a bit busy with certifications, opening a second office at Impact Family Wellness, work, tech stuff (more on this to come), and most importantly… life. All of those things are interesting (to me), but what I’d like to focus on are the two certifications I recently completed. First, let me provide some background on me.
Case Study- Impact Family Wellness
Impact Family Wellness is a direct primary care office in Cedar Park, TX, who also recently expanded to Liberty Hill. Their technology needs weren’t horribly complex, yet uptime and efficiency were paramount to their success. In order to achieve this, they needed a solid network, access to cloud based applications, stable email and office tools, and a secure network with a solid overall security posture. Here is what we did with them…
Firewalls are Dead...Long Live Firewalls
I love firewalls!!! LOVE THEM!!!! I have this weird sense of power when I am setting one up, like I am standing at the gates protecting the village from the angry hoard of marauding thugs. I’m one of the good guys and you shall not pass!!! I know… super nerdy, but it is true. However, we need to talk about a reality affecting all security professionals. Next Gen Firewalls are becoming less helpful.